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Creative-documentary, HD 82 min., color, VO French, English sbt.,

first film, Montréal, 2009

A sensitive and poetical portrait of the real and imaginary life of Antoine, a boy detective who runs, drives, hosts radio shows and adores simultaneous telephone conversations. Over the course of two years he uses a mini-boom microphone to discover and capture the sounds surrounding him. In this manner he co-created the sound track of this film. This child, who is of Vietnamese origin, was born one hundred days prematurely. He is integrated into the regular school system in Montreal, with unprecedented success

Antoine is five years old and he is blind.


Director and writer

Executive producers                     








Sound rec    

Sound editor/ mix      



Laura Bari

Mila Aung-Thwin & Daniel Cross,


Laura Bari


Sophie Farkas-Bolla

Laura Bari

Laura Bari

Laura Bari & Antoine Houang

Stéphane Bergeron


Ramachandra Borcar


International Distribution   

MercuryMedia International 6

Baseline Studios, Whitchurch Road, London W11 4AT, UK Tel: +44 20 7221 7221 Fax: +44  20 7221 7228 Mob: +44 7726 349 358 - 

Distribution Canada, United States  

BESOFILM. 4229 de l’Esplanade, H2W 1T1, Montreal.

EYESTEELFILM. 7095 rue MARCONI, 201 MONTRÉAL, QUÉBEC  H2S 3K4 Tél:  514-937-4893  Fax  514-313-9364


* Special Jury  Mention, RIDM, Montreal; Lindalee Tracey Award, Hot Docs, Toronto, First Special Jury Prize, Emotions Pictures, Athens; Honorific Prize, Best Experimental Documentary,  Docupolis, Barcelona, Spain Special Jury Award, San Diego Asian Film Festival, California, EEUU; Talent Competition Dove,  Leipzig DOK, Germany; Prix Jean Pierre et Yolande Perreault,  Rendez Vous du Cinéma Québecois, Montréal; Special Jury Prize - DOC Planet, Varsovie, Poland; Audience Award , 13 Auburn Child and young Adults int. film festival; Merit Award, Culture! Disability! Talent!, Barclay, EEUU; Jury Honorific Prize, “Cinéma vérité” int documentary Film Festival, Tehran.


Tribeca Film, New York, April 2009, Thessaloniki Documentary Festival, Grece, March 2009, Fest. Int de Films de Femmes, France, March 2009, Salt Lake City Film Festival, United States, August 2009, Kos International Health Film Festival, Greece, Septembre 2009, Reykjavik International Film Festival, Iceland, Septembre, 2009, EBS International Documentary Festival, Korea, Septembre 2009, Vancouver Film Festival, Canada, October 2009, Sheffield DOC\FEST, United Kingdom, Novembre 2009, Mar del Plata International Film Festival, Argentina, Novembre 2009, IDFA, Doc for sales, Holland, Novembre 2009, Göteborg International Film Festival, Sweden, February 2010, Istanbul Independent Film Festival, Turkey, February 2010, Rendez Vous du Cinéma Québecois, Canada, February 2010,  DOX BOX, film festival, Syrie, 2010, Festival international de films de Punta del Este, Uruguay, 2010, Festival international de films pour enfants, Taiwan, 2010, La Habana Film Festival, Cuba, 2010, Traverse City Intenational Film Festival,
United States, 2011.

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